Image courtesy TDF

TDF offers to assist any Canadians still facing Quarantine Act and COVID-related tickets

Lee Harding

The Democracy Fund invites all Canadians facing COVID-19-related fines to contact them for possible free legal assistance as they continue the fight against government overreach.

From the beginning of the pandemic, The Democracy Fund (TDF) has fought COVID-19-related government overreach and over-zealous prosecution. With the generous support of their donors, they have provided legal representation to thousands of Canadians: students opposed to vaccine mandates, dissident doctors & nurses, ordinary travellers subject to invasive tests or compelled to disclose private medical information, peaceful Freedom Convoy protesters.

TDF has successfully helped thousands of Canadians with charges under the Quarantine Act, saving them more than $56 million in fines.

Even as the government doggedly pursues Canadians for these alleged crimes, time is running out for the state. Under Canadian law, timely completion of legal matters is crucial and failure to do so may fatally compromise the government's case. This was established under Section 11(b) of our Charter and affirmed in 2016 under R. v. Jordan.

For nearly three years, TDF has been advocating on behalf of clients facing these issues. We intend to keep our promise: TDF is committed to seeing this through to resolution.

TDF welcomes those facing COVID-19 -related fines to use TDF's contact page to reach them, or click here.

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