Mark Gerretsen said he would see Ottawa in the fall.  Courtesy Mark Gerretsen/Twitter

Rempel Garner blasts Liberal MP for mug mocking foreign spying

Jonathan Bradley

Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill, AB) is pillorying a Liberal MP for parading a coffee mug mocking the foreign interference scandal.

Since Liberal MP Mark Gerretsen (Kingston and the Islands, ON) has a mug about one of his colleagues mocking foreign spying, Rempel Garner said it shows the party does not care about the issue.

“They're internally celebrating this as a joke,” tweeted Rempel Garner on Wednesday. 

“No one internally has mitigated this issue.”

Gerretsen has a House of Commons leadership position with a salary top-up. He tweeted this photo of him mocking foreign spying. 

Although Gerretsen tweeted this photo, he retains his position. Rempel Garner predicted no one asked him to take it down. 

He posted the photo while referencing he would be away from his job for several months. She said no one calling him on this is incredible. 

She pointed out this “is not normal for a political party.” However, she said the Liberals are in charge of Canada during a self-caused economic crisis. 

Rempel Garner concluded by saying Canada “is f*cked with them.” 

“Election now,” she said. 

Gerretsen had said he would be coming back to the House of Commons in September. 

“See you in the fall, Ottawa,” he said. 

He included a photo of him holding up a mug with Liberal MP Jennifer O’Connell (Pickering-Uxbridge, ON) saying “boo hoo, get over it.” 

Public Safety, Democratic Institutions, and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc said on June 6 the Liberals will not be naming names about politicians sharing intelligence information with foreign governments. 

READ MORE: ‘BOO HOO’: Trudeau Liberals refuse to name spies in Parliament; mock Tories for demanding them

O’Connell said boo hoo when the Conservatives demanded names. 

MPs and senators demanded those who spied for foreign entities be named and expelled from Parliament. 

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