Guest Column by Michelle Stirling .Vivian Krause did a great service to Canadians with her decade-long, detailed research exposing the money trail of the Tar Sands Campaign. Krause had been mocked by the (government-funded) mainstream media as a conspiracy theorist. The Allan Inquiry’s report and associated report by Deloitte have vindicated her and further implicated the mainstream media of not doing its job..A January 2021 press release from the Canadian Association of Journalists condemned the Nemeth Report findings for the Allan Inquiry, which pointed a finger at mainstream media for propagandizing climate change activism..“Journalists have a moral obligation to clearly inform the public of any catastrophic threat, whether it’s the coronavirus or climate change,” said CAJ president Brent Jolly. .“Reporting on climate change should not be seen as an act of advocacy; it is the telling of a very real truth that is unequivocally backed up by scientific facts.” .Foreign-funded ENGO climate claims against the oil sands have been endlessly repeated in the media with little or no critical review. It is clear now that they are paid activists for the agendas of foreign and domestic green billionaire philanthropists global cap and trade plans that are destroying our economy. They will get rich; you will be a carbon serf. All this activity is outside the democratic framework of a sovereign nation and goes unreported by our huffy, self-important, and government-funded mainstream media..On the Allan Report there is virtual media silence in the mainstream. Never mind the.“31 ENGO groups that accumulated $2.5 billion in assets, received $897.5 million in foreign funding and received $2.1 billion in government funding..A sober review of the recent IPCC AR6 report by long-time expert climate policy analyst Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. shows in fact, contrary to Jolly’s ‘unequivocal’ claim, he’s wrong..Pielke, Jr. writes of the IPCC AR6: .“Instead of apocalyptic warnings about “immediate risk” a top line message of this report should be: Great news! .“The extreme scenario that IPCC saw as most likely in 2013 is now judged low likelihood. I am actually floored this incredible change in such a short time apparently hasn’t even been noticed, much less broadcast around the world.”.So, the media-ENGO climate catastrophe case against the Alberta oil sands collapses entirely. .Say it with me: this is a green trade war..In Krause’s recent op-ed in the Calgary Herald, she offers kudos to environmental groups for allegedly pushing the oil sands to ‘take GHG emissions more seriously.’ Like many Canadians, she’s probably unaware all the provinces and the federal government have thousands of public servants working in environment ministries who have been taking noxious pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions seriously for almost 50 years. This is one reason why Canada has the third best air quality in the world..Alberta legislated the Climate Change and Emissions Management Act in 2003, which included the first carbon tax on large emitters in North America. Obviously, all large emitters were required to take greenhouse gas emissions seriously in Alberta. Before this, in the late 1990’s, Alberta had incorporated the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BATEA) regulations to ensure that new industrial projects had to build high efficiency, low emissions plants..The Tar Sands Campaign has done its best to bury the good work of government and responsible industry from the public. Tar Sands Campaigners have lied about oil sands and coal power plant emissions, while skimming the tax pool with their tax-subsidized charities, draining the tax pool with their demands for grants and consulting contracts, and emptying the tax pool by successfully promoting virtually useless wind and solar projects that are highly subsidized by you, the taxpayer, for green crony capitalists to cash in on..Thanks to the Tar Sands Campaign, ENGOs and lazy or compromised media have destroyed the reputations of those public servants and corporate innovators while enriching themselves and impoverishing you with the foreign influenced carbon serfdom you now suffer. .Now exposed, they are silent. No kudos to them at all..Michelle Stirling is the author of “My Tar Sands Tipping Point with CBC.” She is also the Communications Manager for Friends of Science Society.
Guest Column by Michelle Stirling .Vivian Krause did a great service to Canadians with her decade-long, detailed research exposing the money trail of the Tar Sands Campaign. Krause had been mocked by the (government-funded) mainstream media as a conspiracy theorist. The Allan Inquiry’s report and associated report by Deloitte have vindicated her and further implicated the mainstream media of not doing its job..A January 2021 press release from the Canadian Association of Journalists condemned the Nemeth Report findings for the Allan Inquiry, which pointed a finger at mainstream media for propagandizing climate change activism..“Journalists have a moral obligation to clearly inform the public of any catastrophic threat, whether it’s the coronavirus or climate change,” said CAJ president Brent Jolly. .“Reporting on climate change should not be seen as an act of advocacy; it is the telling of a very real truth that is unequivocally backed up by scientific facts.” .Foreign-funded ENGO climate claims against the oil sands have been endlessly repeated in the media with little or no critical review. It is clear now that they are paid activists for the agendas of foreign and domestic green billionaire philanthropists global cap and trade plans that are destroying our economy. They will get rich; you will be a carbon serf. All this activity is outside the democratic framework of a sovereign nation and goes unreported by our huffy, self-important, and government-funded mainstream media..On the Allan Report there is virtual media silence in the mainstream. Never mind the.“31 ENGO groups that accumulated $2.5 billion in assets, received $897.5 million in foreign funding and received $2.1 billion in government funding..A sober review of the recent IPCC AR6 report by long-time expert climate policy analyst Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. shows in fact, contrary to Jolly’s ‘unequivocal’ claim, he’s wrong..Pielke, Jr. writes of the IPCC AR6: .“Instead of apocalyptic warnings about “immediate risk” a top line message of this report should be: Great news! .“The extreme scenario that IPCC saw as most likely in 2013 is now judged low likelihood. I am actually floored this incredible change in such a short time apparently hasn’t even been noticed, much less broadcast around the world.”.So, the media-ENGO climate catastrophe case against the Alberta oil sands collapses entirely. .Say it with me: this is a green trade war..In Krause’s recent op-ed in the Calgary Herald, she offers kudos to environmental groups for allegedly pushing the oil sands to ‘take GHG emissions more seriously.’ Like many Canadians, she’s probably unaware all the provinces and the federal government have thousands of public servants working in environment ministries who have been taking noxious pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions seriously for almost 50 years. This is one reason why Canada has the third best air quality in the world..Alberta legislated the Climate Change and Emissions Management Act in 2003, which included the first carbon tax on large emitters in North America. Obviously, all large emitters were required to take greenhouse gas emissions seriously in Alberta. Before this, in the late 1990’s, Alberta had incorporated the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BATEA) regulations to ensure that new industrial projects had to build high efficiency, low emissions plants..The Tar Sands Campaign has done its best to bury the good work of government and responsible industry from the public. Tar Sands Campaigners have lied about oil sands and coal power plant emissions, while skimming the tax pool with their tax-subsidized charities, draining the tax pool with their demands for grants and consulting contracts, and emptying the tax pool by successfully promoting virtually useless wind and solar projects that are highly subsidized by you, the taxpayer, for green crony capitalists to cash in on..Thanks to the Tar Sands Campaign, ENGOs and lazy or compromised media have destroyed the reputations of those public servants and corporate innovators while enriching themselves and impoverishing you with the foreign influenced carbon serfdom you now suffer. .Now exposed, they are silent. No kudos to them at all..Michelle Stirling is the author of “My Tar Sands Tipping Point with CBC.” She is also the Communications Manager for Friends of Science Society.