Opaskwayak Cree Nation Chief Maureen Brown shoots the flaming arrow as part of the opening ceremonies at the community's annual Opaskwayak Indigenous Days celebration, the first woman to do so. The Opaskwayak people claim to have found evidence of unmarked burials at a former nearby residential school site. Writer James C McRae says there is no evidence that any child “went missing” from the MacKay Indian Residential School, however.
Opaskwayak Cree Nation Chief Maureen Brown shoots the flaming arrow as part of the opening ceremonies at the community's annual Opaskwayak Indigenous Days celebration, the first woman to do so. The Opaskwayak people claim to have found evidence of unmarked burials at a former nearby residential school site. Writer James C McRae says there is no evidence that any child “went missing” from the MacKay Indian Residential School, however. Minnow + Moon Photography Courtesy CBC

McCRAE: When will the CBC tell us the whole truth?

Selective reporting results in a misleading narrative
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