LYTLE: Weasel words to sell the sordid truth of 'sustainable' development

Gro Harlem Bruntland (left,) then prime  minister of Norway, meets with Klaus Schwab (centre) at the 1989 World Economic Forum. Bruntland went on to chair the World Health Organization but also prepared the eponymous Bruntland Report. Writer Murray Lytle cites her report as an example of using weasel words to promote an unpopular globalist strategy.
Gro Harlem Bruntland (left,) then prime minister of Norway, meets with Klaus Schwab (centre) at the 1989 World Economic Forum. Bruntland went on to chair the World Health Organization but also prepared the eponymous Bruntland Report. Writer Murray Lytle cites her report as an example of using weasel words to promote an unpopular globalist strategy.World Economic Forum
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