‘Who's the other ‘Randy’’?: Ethics committee to investigate Liberal MP Randy Boissonnault for conflict of interest

‘Who's the other ‘Randy’’?: Ethics committee to investigate Liberal MP Randy Boissonnault for conflict of interest
‘Who's the other ‘Randy’’?: Ethics committee to investigate Liberal MP Randy Boissonnault for conflict of interest
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The Commons Ethics Committee has scheduled a special session to investigate a conflict of interest involving Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault and his federally-contracted pandemic medical supply company.

The hearing convenes next Wednesday despite parliament currently being in summer recess, per Blacklock’s Reporter. 

The committee will question business partners of Global Health Imports Corporation, a pandemic medical supply contractor in which Liberal Minister Boissonnault is a major shareholder. 

Text messages between partners involved a mysterious executive named “Randy,” which presumably was the minister — yet Boissonnault insists it must be someone else. During the time “Randy” was named in texts, Boissonnault as a cabinet member pocketed income from Global Health, ethics filings show.

“Conservatives have now ordered the minister from Edmonton’s two business partners to appear at committee,” Conservative MP Michael Barrett earlier told the House of Commons. 

Boissonnault in June 4 testimony at the ethics committee said he understood it was improper for him to conduct business while in cabinet and that “Randy” was not him. Boissonnault is subject to the Conflict Of Interest Act that restricts private dealings by ministers.

“What is the other Randy’s last name?” asked Barrett. 

“I do not know the name of that person,” replied Boissonnault.

“Who are the partners of the company?” asked Barrett.

“I do not know,” replied Boissonnault.

“Who was the other Randy?” asked Conservative MP Michael Cooper.

“I do not know who the other Randy was,” replied Boissonnault. 

“They were somebody who was hired after I was but I do not know.”

“There are only a handful of people there, you presently have a 50% stake in Global Health Imports, and you mean to tell me you have no idea who the other Randy is?” asked Cooper.

“Are you serious?”

“I have had no operational involvement in this company since I was elected,” replied Boissonnault. 

“The company has hired and probably let go of people since I was there. I am not allowed to know about the operation of this company because it is not permitted by the Ethics Commissioner.”

“That’s nonsense and you know it,” said Cooper. 

“It is not nonsense,” replied Boissonnault. 

“That is not a fair statement. It’s not nonsense. It’s the truth.”

Conservative MP Larry Brock, a former Crown prosecutor, described Boissonnault’s story as unbelievable. 

“You are exhibiting traits in my old career that I would classify as a lying witness,” said Brock. 

“You have been evasive.”

“That is not appropriate,” replied Boissonnault. 

“Well it is,” said Brock.

“You have got the inability to tell the straight facts. Tell the straight goods, minister. There lacks the ring of truth in what you have to say.”

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