American fast food giant McDonald’s announced it will temporarily close 850 Russian stores, a press release said Tuesday..Starbucks and Coca-Cola followed a short time later joining the other international companies in boycotting business in Russia..“As a system, we join the world in condemning aggression and violence and praying for peace,” said McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski..“The situation is extraordinarily challenging for a global brand like ours, and there are many considerations..“The company has provided immediate financial support to our team in Ukraine.”.Despite the closures, McDonald’s decided to continue paying salaries for Ukrainian and Russian employees even when stores are closed..“We are continuing to pay full salaries for our Ukrainian employees and have donated $5 million to our employee assistance fund, and continue to support relief efforts led by the International Red Cross in the region.”.Companies around the world are facing pressures to pull out of Russia as the attack on Ukraine continues..Starbucks issued an official statement on March 8, in the afternoon after the Mcdonald’s release..“Today, we have decided to suspend all business activity in Russia, including shipment of all Starbucks products,” said Kevin Johnson, Starbucks CEO..“Our licensed partner has agreed to immediately pause store operations and will provide support to the nearly 2,000 partners in Russia who depend on Starbucks for their livelihood.”.Since the initial invasion of Ukraine, more than 280 international companies left Russia, according to Yale school of management..The actions of those companies vary: Amazon suspended some Russian sellers, Apple ceased selling in Russia, Airbnb halted bookings in the country, whereas Youtube and Alphabet suspended Russian advertising..Others suspending their operations in Russia include Adidas, Tiktok, Mastercard, Paypal, Visa, Samsung, Netflix and Toyota..As of March 8, Nestle, Papa John’s, Hilton and Marriott, among others, continue operations in Russia..The full list is available here..Ewa Sudyk is a reporter with the Western Standard.,
American fast food giant McDonald’s announced it will temporarily close 850 Russian stores, a press release said Tuesday..Starbucks and Coca-Cola followed a short time later joining the other international companies in boycotting business in Russia..“As a system, we join the world in condemning aggression and violence and praying for peace,” said McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski..“The situation is extraordinarily challenging for a global brand like ours, and there are many considerations..“The company has provided immediate financial support to our team in Ukraine.”.Despite the closures, McDonald’s decided to continue paying salaries for Ukrainian and Russian employees even when stores are closed..“We are continuing to pay full salaries for our Ukrainian employees and have donated $5 million to our employee assistance fund, and continue to support relief efforts led by the International Red Cross in the region.”.Companies around the world are facing pressures to pull out of Russia as the attack on Ukraine continues..Starbucks issued an official statement on March 8, in the afternoon after the Mcdonald’s release..“Today, we have decided to suspend all business activity in Russia, including shipment of all Starbucks products,” said Kevin Johnson, Starbucks CEO..“Our licensed partner has agreed to immediately pause store operations and will provide support to the nearly 2,000 partners in Russia who depend on Starbucks for their livelihood.”.Since the initial invasion of Ukraine, more than 280 international companies left Russia, according to Yale school of management..The actions of those companies vary: Amazon suspended some Russian sellers, Apple ceased selling in Russia, Airbnb halted bookings in the country, whereas Youtube and Alphabet suspended Russian advertising..Others suspending their operations in Russia include Adidas, Tiktok, Mastercard, Paypal, Visa, Samsung, Netflix and Toyota..As of March 8, Nestle, Papa John’s, Hilton and Marriott, among others, continue operations in Russia..The full list is available here..Ewa Sudyk is a reporter with the Western Standard.,