The University of Waterloo is defending a job posting it put out saying men need not apply..Sam Toman, manager of Media Relations and Issues Management for UoW, said the school wants to hire the best academics in the world but “include research perspectives previously lacking in academia.”.“As a comprehensive, research-intensive university we are committed to hiring the brightest academic minds in the world,” said Toman..“The University of Waterloo firmly believes we must include research perspectives previously lacking in academia, to truly advance our understanding of how to solve society’s most-pressing challenges.”.The UW said that the Canada Research Chair (CRC) forces them to hire individuals from the four federally-designated groups (FDGs), which are women, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, and visible minorities. .“CRC program requires us to address under representation of the four federally-designated groups (FDGs): women, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and members of visible minorities within the program,” said Toman. .“We follow requirements of the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) including the need for candidates to self-identify.”.The.Western Standard reported on the university’s posting earlier this week..UW states it set its job postings up to attract the most qualified candidates but with a requirement to meet or exceed the FDGs targets, where males need not apply. .This requirement is trying to stop discrimination by discriminating against biological males..“Our CRC position postings are designed to attract qualified candidates who help us fulfill the research and teaching goals of the university and our duties under the CRC program to meet and exceed federal targets for each of the underrepresented groups,” said Toman..UW is focused on hiring the FDGs underrepresented groups to meet the federal targets..“The University of Waterloo is currently working towards targets as laid out in The Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP). Our ongoing work to hire from the underrepresented groups will help us work towards these targets,” said Toman..“Meeting these targets is a continuous process as current CRCs of all identities move on, retire, or we hire new faculty — this is why we continue to hire from specific demographic groups and why some CRC positions are restricted to scholars meeting those requirements.”.David Millard Haskell, a professor in the faculty of liberal arts at Laurier University, said he believes the policy of hiring FDGs says that those individuals could not compete for the positions based on their experience and qualifications..“In general when immutable characteristics become the bar by which someone is offered a job, well, of course, you’re going to have people who are not as qualified,” Haskell told the National Post. .“And, the thing that concerns me is … it’s suggesting that they could not make it on their own merit. This is the height of racism. This is an incredibly racist policy, to say that someone who was a person of colour could not compete on their own competency and merit.”.The UW currently has three research positions open only to certain demographic groups and two exclude biological males regardless of skin colour. Another position is only open to indigenous candidates..Chris Oldcorn is a Western Standard Reporter based in Regina.,,Twitter: @chrisoldcorn,.Parler: @chrisoldcorn
The University of Waterloo is defending a job posting it put out saying men need not apply..Sam Toman, manager of Media Relations and Issues Management for UoW, said the school wants to hire the best academics in the world but “include research perspectives previously lacking in academia.”.“As a comprehensive, research-intensive university we are committed to hiring the brightest academic minds in the world,” said Toman..“The University of Waterloo firmly believes we must include research perspectives previously lacking in academia, to truly advance our understanding of how to solve society’s most-pressing challenges.”.The UW said that the Canada Research Chair (CRC) forces them to hire individuals from the four federally-designated groups (FDGs), which are women, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, and visible minorities. .“CRC program requires us to address under representation of the four federally-designated groups (FDGs): women, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and members of visible minorities within the program,” said Toman. .“We follow requirements of the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) including the need for candidates to self-identify.”.The.Western Standard reported on the university’s posting earlier this week..UW states it set its job postings up to attract the most qualified candidates but with a requirement to meet or exceed the FDGs targets, where males need not apply. .This requirement is trying to stop discrimination by discriminating against biological males..“Our CRC position postings are designed to attract qualified candidates who help us fulfill the research and teaching goals of the university and our duties under the CRC program to meet and exceed federal targets for each of the underrepresented groups,” said Toman..UW is focused on hiring the FDGs underrepresented groups to meet the federal targets..“The University of Waterloo is currently working towards targets as laid out in The Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP). Our ongoing work to hire from the underrepresented groups will help us work towards these targets,” said Toman..“Meeting these targets is a continuous process as current CRCs of all identities move on, retire, or we hire new faculty — this is why we continue to hire from specific demographic groups and why some CRC positions are restricted to scholars meeting those requirements.”.David Millard Haskell, a professor in the faculty of liberal arts at Laurier University, said he believes the policy of hiring FDGs says that those individuals could not compete for the positions based on their experience and qualifications..“In general when immutable characteristics become the bar by which someone is offered a job, well, of course, you’re going to have people who are not as qualified,” Haskell told the National Post. .“And, the thing that concerns me is … it’s suggesting that they could not make it on their own merit. This is the height of racism. This is an incredibly racist policy, to say that someone who was a person of colour could not compete on their own competency and merit.”.The UW currently has three research positions open only to certain demographic groups and two exclude biological males regardless of skin colour. Another position is only open to indigenous candidates..Chris Oldcorn is a Western Standard Reporter based in Regina.,,Twitter: @chrisoldcorn,.Parler: @chrisoldcorn