Following backlash, Twitter Support has removed its tweet about the platform barring people from connecting other social media accounts.."We recognize that many of our users are active on other social media platforms," said Twitter Support in a Sunday tweet. ."However, we will no longer allow free promotion of certain social media platforms on Twitter.".The tweet was deleted hours later, and the policy has since been taken off of Twitter’s website. .Alternative social media platform Mastodon mocked Twitter for the policy. .“As a company from eastern Germany, we know that building a wall to try and keep people from leaving isn't a good idea,” said Mastodon. .The Green Party of Canada said this policy shows why billionaires should be taxed out of existence. .“Whatev’s, just try us @elonmusk,” said the Greens. .“We’ll continue to welcome our @CanadianGreens members engaging on #Mast0d0n, and we sure will encourage them to use our very own Gvote!”.This move comes after Twitter reinstated former Ontario independent MPP Randy Hillier’s account on Friday. .READ MORE: Twitter allows Hillier back on platform.“I'm back, thanks @elonmusk,” said Hillier. .He said he has gained 10,000 new followers in less than 24 hours. He added he believes the shadow ban on him has been removed.
Following backlash, Twitter Support has removed its tweet about the platform barring people from connecting other social media accounts.."We recognize that many of our users are active on other social media platforms," said Twitter Support in a Sunday tweet. ."However, we will no longer allow free promotion of certain social media platforms on Twitter.".The tweet was deleted hours later, and the policy has since been taken off of Twitter’s website. .Alternative social media platform Mastodon mocked Twitter for the policy. .“As a company from eastern Germany, we know that building a wall to try and keep people from leaving isn't a good idea,” said Mastodon. .The Green Party of Canada said this policy shows why billionaires should be taxed out of existence. .“Whatev’s, just try us @elonmusk,” said the Greens. .“We’ll continue to welcome our @CanadianGreens members engaging on #Mast0d0n, and we sure will encourage them to use our very own Gvote!”.This move comes after Twitter reinstated former Ontario independent MPP Randy Hillier’s account on Friday. .READ MORE: Twitter allows Hillier back on platform.“I'm back, thanks @elonmusk,” said Hillier. .He said he has gained 10,000 new followers in less than 24 hours. He added he believes the shadow ban on him has been removed.