Netflix said it's rolling out its password sharing ban in Canada to ensure it stays profitable. .“Today, over 100 million households are sharing accounts — impacting our ability to invest in great new TV and films,” said Netflix Director, Product Innovation Chengyi Long in a Wednesday blog post. .“Our focus has been on giving members greater control over who can access their account.”.The blog post said Netflix will help people members set this up, ensuring anyone who lives in their household can use their account. It said they can now manage who has access to their account under its Manage Access and Devices page. .People will be able to transfer a profile to a new account for which they pay. They can continue to watch Netflix on their personal devices or log into a new television, like at a hotel or holiday rental. .The blog post went on to say members on its Standard or Premium plan can add an extra member sub account for up to two people who they do not live with. It added each can have a profile, personalized recommendations, login, and passwords for an extra $7.99 in Canada. .Long said its employees “value our members and recognize that they have many entertainment choices.” She said a Netflix account is “intended for one household and members can choose from a range of plans with different features.”.“As always, we’ll refine these new features based on member feedback so that we continue to improve Netflix in the years ahead,” she said. .Netflix Canada said in October it was launching a low-price basic plan with ads in November. .READ MORE: CUT TO COMMERCIAL: Netflix Canada to offer cheaper version — but with ads.The Basic with Ads plan costs $5.99 a month in Canada. Basic with Ads is offered in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. .Current streaming plans and members were not be affected. Basic with Ads will complement Netflix’s Basic, Standard, and Premium plans.
Netflix said it's rolling out its password sharing ban in Canada to ensure it stays profitable. .“Today, over 100 million households are sharing accounts — impacting our ability to invest in great new TV and films,” said Netflix Director, Product Innovation Chengyi Long in a Wednesday blog post. .“Our focus has been on giving members greater control over who can access their account.”.The blog post said Netflix will help people members set this up, ensuring anyone who lives in their household can use their account. It said they can now manage who has access to their account under its Manage Access and Devices page. .People will be able to transfer a profile to a new account for which they pay. They can continue to watch Netflix on their personal devices or log into a new television, like at a hotel or holiday rental. .The blog post went on to say members on its Standard or Premium plan can add an extra member sub account for up to two people who they do not live with. It added each can have a profile, personalized recommendations, login, and passwords for an extra $7.99 in Canada. .Long said its employees “value our members and recognize that they have many entertainment choices.” She said a Netflix account is “intended for one household and members can choose from a range of plans with different features.”.“As always, we’ll refine these new features based on member feedback so that we continue to improve Netflix in the years ahead,” she said. .Netflix Canada said in October it was launching a low-price basic plan with ads in November. .READ MORE: CUT TO COMMERCIAL: Netflix Canada to offer cheaper version — but with ads.The Basic with Ads plan costs $5.99 a month in Canada. Basic with Ads is offered in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. .Current streaming plans and members were not be affected. Basic with Ads will complement Netflix’s Basic, Standard, and Premium plans.