RCMP investigations into China up 468% from 2018 to 2022

RCMP 'received enough information' to open criminal investigation into 2021 election interference
RCMP 'received enough information' to open criminal investigation into 2021 election interference Western Standard/Canva
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Investigations into foreign interference have grown sixfold from 2018 to 2022, according to a briefing note for RCMP Commissioner Michael Duheme obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter.

The document did not include total investigations to date. 

Suspicious activity includes alleged criminality by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents targeting MPs. 

“From 2018 to 2022 the RCMP experienced an increase of 468% in its foreign actor interference related occurrences with the number of foreign interference related investigations going from 32 to 182 within this time period,” states the March 21 RCMP brief to the commissioner.

“The growth continued steadily through last year reaching a total of 136 foreign actor interference related occurrences by mid-2023.”

All investigations involved suspected criminality, and an undisclosed number targeted CCP agents. 

“Foreign states including the People’s Republic of China attempt to advance their political, economic and security interests to the detriment of Canada’s,” said the document.

“What are the most common foreign interference threats? The RCMP is aware foreign interference may present itself in many forms. It can pose a threat to public safety including state-backed harassment and intimidation of individuals.”

“Foreign interference also targets Canada’s economic interests including state-backed theft of intellectual property from public or private entities or Canada’s critical infrastructure. Foreign interference can also target Canada’s sovereignty and democratic institutions.”

The document followed 2023 testimony at the House Affairs Committee where RCMP commanders said they relied on politicians and media for leads on Chinese subterfuge. 

“We found about it through the committee here and through the media,” testified Deputy Commissioner Mark Flynn.

MPs expressed alarm. “I wouldn’t be proud of that,” said Conservative MP Luc Berthold. 

“Were you aware generally that Beijing diplomats were targeting MPs?” asked Conservative MP Michael Cooper.

“We were not aware of specific targeting,” replied Flynn.

NDP MP Rachel Blaney said the Mounties’ approach appeared lackadaisical.

“It is alarming to me that we have multiple MPs who were targeted and they just didn’t know,” said Blaney.

“That’s concerning.”

Ongoing RCMP investigations include suspicious activity by foreign agents targeting Conservative MP Michael Chong and NDP MP Jenny Kwan.

“The RCMP is aware of the public visibility into different accusations of interference in democratic processes including Mr. Chong as well as other Members of Parliament that you’ve heard about who have spoken either in Parliament or in various committees about meddling in elections, misinformation or interference in voter influencing that’s going on,” said Flynn.

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