Parents were misled and their authority undermined during the pandemic, according to a recent roundtable from the National Citizens Inquiry on COVID-19..Lawyer Shawn Buckley facilitated the discussion, asking panelists how children might have been impacted by watching the government tell parents what to do..Keren Epstein Gilboa, a registered psychotherapist and registered nurse with a PhD in philosophy from the Univeristy of Toronto, said preschoolers wouldn’t notice, but it might be difficult for those older..“Here the role model, who was supposed to be providing rules and so on, is not treated as an authority person,” Gilboa said..“Those who have a secure attachment might be able to talk with the parent and think about that, but children who were insecure or didn't feel as comfortable or that their parents could protect them as well as they would have hoped, I think those children would be more at risk.”.Dr. Francis Christian, a University of Saskatchewan professor and surgeon dismissed for his statements regarding childhood COVID vaccination, said child’s rights to live and be protected from harm were betrayed..“The lockdowns caused an increase in depression in anxiety and the rate of suicide among teenagers tripled during the lockdown. And why did they lock down kids when it was clear very early in the evolution of COVID that kids were at virtually no risk from the disease?” Christian asked..“They were locked down, they were masked, they said that unless you take the vaccine, you will die. These are things which are unconscionable. There should be accountability, because if you don't have an accountable system, you don't have a system at all. And so who was responsible for frightening kids when it should have been the opposite?”.Christian said parents were oversold on the risk of the virus to children and under warned on the risk of vaccine injury. He said a recent Swiss study of 777 vaccinated people whose average age was 37 found myocarditis in 20 women and two men, for an overall 1-in-35 ratio..“Parents are the primary authority to protect children. They were let down because primarily because they were part of this fear propaganda, which the media shamefully took part in, they became part of the propaganda arm of government. And that is one of the definitions of fascism, by the way.”.Matthew Cockle, a literature and religious studies scholar and a senior researcher at the University of British Columbia, said the idea of the state usurping the role of parents dates back to Plato’s Republic in the fourth century BCE, and has manifested since the pandemic..“You no longer have the right to informed consent, you no longer have the right to personalize medical care where the physician can be honest with you, and you no longer have the right to be protected by the parent."."Again, and again, we have politicians who are stepping in and saying, no, the children are our responsibility, the state's responsibility.”.“With COVID, we do see a very clear transition where, again, and again, families are being told that parental authority over children and parental responsibility to children is secondary and that the primary responsibility is between the state and children. I think that's very dangerous. And I think it's something that we need to be aware of that is happening across the board.”.Gilboa said when the government undermines parental presence and authority, “insecurity, emotional flatness, difficulty parenting the next generation” are the results. She said masks hindered the communication of facial expressions between children and their parents, teachers and peers..“The main problem with the facial covering is yes, it impairs the development of emotional regulation, might impair language development, but most certainly also may increase a sense of anxiety. Why? Because the facial covering reminded us at all times, there's something bad out there.”.Cockle said the masks led some people to be identified as “subgroups” worthy of ill-treatment..“That person is not wearing a mask, and therefore they're blameworthy. And we're in the right if we discriminate against them, with really some considerable ferocity,” he said..“We have premiers in Canada, and even our prime minister, verbally insulting those people who are vaccine hesitant, and the level of abuse, of discrimination… I can't remember ever seeing it endorsed the way it has been under COVID.”.Christian said most adults didn’t know how to wear a mask properly, let alone kids, making masks “worse than useless.”.“Kids would have these soaked masks, would then put it in their pockets and then take it out again and use the same thing again. That actually increases the infection rate for themselves and for others.”
Parents were misled and their authority undermined during the pandemic, according to a recent roundtable from the National Citizens Inquiry on COVID-19..Lawyer Shawn Buckley facilitated the discussion, asking panelists how children might have been impacted by watching the government tell parents what to do..Keren Epstein Gilboa, a registered psychotherapist and registered nurse with a PhD in philosophy from the Univeristy of Toronto, said preschoolers wouldn’t notice, but it might be difficult for those older..“Here the role model, who was supposed to be providing rules and so on, is not treated as an authority person,” Gilboa said..“Those who have a secure attachment might be able to talk with the parent and think about that, but children who were insecure or didn't feel as comfortable or that their parents could protect them as well as they would have hoped, I think those children would be more at risk.”.Dr. Francis Christian, a University of Saskatchewan professor and surgeon dismissed for his statements regarding childhood COVID vaccination, said child’s rights to live and be protected from harm were betrayed..“The lockdowns caused an increase in depression in anxiety and the rate of suicide among teenagers tripled during the lockdown. And why did they lock down kids when it was clear very early in the evolution of COVID that kids were at virtually no risk from the disease?” Christian asked..“They were locked down, they were masked, they said that unless you take the vaccine, you will die. These are things which are unconscionable. There should be accountability, because if you don't have an accountable system, you don't have a system at all. And so who was responsible for frightening kids when it should have been the opposite?”.Christian said parents were oversold on the risk of the virus to children and under warned on the risk of vaccine injury. He said a recent Swiss study of 777 vaccinated people whose average age was 37 found myocarditis in 20 women and two men, for an overall 1-in-35 ratio..“Parents are the primary authority to protect children. They were let down because primarily because they were part of this fear propaganda, which the media shamefully took part in, they became part of the propaganda arm of government. And that is one of the definitions of fascism, by the way.”.Matthew Cockle, a literature and religious studies scholar and a senior researcher at the University of British Columbia, said the idea of the state usurping the role of parents dates back to Plato’s Republic in the fourth century BCE, and has manifested since the pandemic..“You no longer have the right to informed consent, you no longer have the right to personalize medical care where the physician can be honest with you, and you no longer have the right to be protected by the parent."."Again, and again, we have politicians who are stepping in and saying, no, the children are our responsibility, the state's responsibility.”.“With COVID, we do see a very clear transition where, again, and again, families are being told that parental authority over children and parental responsibility to children is secondary and that the primary responsibility is between the state and children. I think that's very dangerous. And I think it's something that we need to be aware of that is happening across the board.”.Gilboa said when the government undermines parental presence and authority, “insecurity, emotional flatness, difficulty parenting the next generation” are the results. She said masks hindered the communication of facial expressions between children and their parents, teachers and peers..“The main problem with the facial covering is yes, it impairs the development of emotional regulation, might impair language development, but most certainly also may increase a sense of anxiety. Why? Because the facial covering reminded us at all times, there's something bad out there.”.Cockle said the masks led some people to be identified as “subgroups” worthy of ill-treatment..“That person is not wearing a mask, and therefore they're blameworthy. And we're in the right if we discriminate against them, with really some considerable ferocity,” he said..“We have premiers in Canada, and even our prime minister, verbally insulting those people who are vaccine hesitant, and the level of abuse, of discrimination… I can't remember ever seeing it endorsed the way it has been under COVID.”.Christian said most adults didn’t know how to wear a mask properly, let alone kids, making masks “worse than useless.”.“Kids would have these soaked masks, would then put it in their pockets and then take it out again and use the same thing again. That actually increases the infection rate for themselves and for others.”