Naturopath author says “NZ fudged the data” on kidney harms following COVID-19 vaccines

A needle and a COVID-19 vaccine
A needle and a COVID-19 vaccineCourtesy Unsplash
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The author of Neither Safe, Nor Effective says New Zealand revised statistics on COVID-19 vaccine damage to kidneys without explanation.

On January 8, naturopath Colleen Huber told Substack readers the original stats were quite damning.

In a Lancet preprint, in January 2023, the New Zealand government released a study showing one dose of Pfizer showed a 60% increased rate of “acute kidney injury” within three weeks post-injection, while two doses showed a 70% increased rate.

Acute kidney injuries often involve symptoms such as bleeding, pain with urination, kidney stones, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome or other renal dysfunction.

More than four million people took the Pfizer vaccine in New Zealand, representing 95% of New Zealand adults and teenagers.

Compared to historical background rates of kidney injury, the following changes in acute kidney injuries were found in the original article, as shown in this screenshot.

Kidney damage was up 70% among two-dose recipients of the Pfizer vaccine
Kidney damage was up 70% among two-dose recipients of the Pfizer vaccineJan 24, 2023 version of "Adverse Events Following the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) in Aotearoa New Zealand" in Lancet / Colleen Huber substack

A paragraph of the original study by Muireann Walton, Vadim Pletzer, and others from the New Zealand Ministry of Health showed myocarditis and kidney damages had infusion-related reaction (IRR) increases following the vaccine.

screenshot from January 24, 2023 version of New Zealand Health study
screenshot from January 24, 2023 version of New Zealand Health studyColleen Huber, substack

"The original full article seems to no longer be available on the internet.  But I still have the above screenshots.  Journalist Alex Berenson wrote a summary of the original article," Huber noted.

The original link now brings readers to a message that reads, "This paper has been removed from SSRN at the request of the author, SSRN, or the rights holder." The version re-posted in August 2023 has only half the number of kidney injuries, something Huber calls, "a strange thing."

Table 2 of re-issued New Zealand Ministry of Health paper wipes out previous report of 60-70% increase in kidney problems
Table 2 of re-issued New Zealand Ministry of Health paper wipes out previous report of 60-70% increase in kidney problemsColleen Huber, substack

"Suddenly, from January to August 2023, the observed acute kidney injury (AKI) events now are only 57% and 58% respectively of the originally reported AKI events. As a result, the data shown in August look like the Pfizer vaccine made no difference or even implied a slight benefit, whereas the data published seven months earlier had shown an alarming increase in acute kidney injuries post vaccine," Huber said.

"Also, in the August 2023 revision, the reported number of those who had received the 1st dose was reduced by about 100,000 and those receiving the 2nd dose were reduced by over 200,000."

The new version Huber linked to no longer has the table visible either. The new version omits any mention of kidney problems and says most standardized infection ratios (SIRs) showed insignificant changes

"As of 10 February 2022, 4,277,163 first doses and 4,114,364 second doses of BNT162b2 had been administered to the eligible New Zealand population aged ≥5 years. The SIRs for 11 of the 12 selected AESIs were not statistically significantly increased post vaccination."

The one "statistically significant association" was myo/pericarditis, now with slightly different risk differences than before.

"The SIR (95% CI) for myo/pericarditis following the first dose was 2.3 (1.8-2.7), with a risk difference (95% CI) of 1.3 (0.9-1.8), per 100,000 persons vaccinated, and 4.0 (3.4-4.6), with a risk difference of 3.1 (2.5-3.7), per 100,000 persons vaccinated following the second dose. The highest SIR was 25.6 (15.5-37.5) in the 5- to 19-years age group, following the second dose of the vaccine, with an estimated five additional myo/pericarditis cases per 100,000 persons vaccinated. A statistically significant increased SIR of single organ cutaneous vasculitis (SOCV) was also observed following the first dose of BNT162b2 in the 20-39 years age group only."

Research published in November of 2022 also confirmed kidney damage following the vaccines. A study of 111 patients who previously had glomerulonephritis, then got two mRNA vaccine doses, found 22.5% had a new onset or relapse of the condition. Also, 10.8% had increased proteinuria, 12.6% had worse hematuria, 0.9% had creatinine values 150% higher than normal or worse.

Huber also pointed to many examples of "minimal change disease" that appear in peer-reviewed literature, usually within several days of receiving an mRNA vaccine, though it has also been noted following the Astra Zeneca COVID vaccine. She called the condition "an insidious kidney disorder" that starts with "very subtle changes in the glomeruli filtration" that causes a cascading set of problems.

The ironic consolation, Huber says, is kidney problems are a lesser concern among those revealed by the past three years of medical literature.

"I can say with confidence that the medical literature reveals many fewer victims of kidney injuries following these vaccines, than of other types of bodily injuries.  Other bodily organs have fared far worse than the kidneys for most of the victims.  Most notably, and now well-known, are the myocarditis and other cardiovascular injuries," she said.

"Future vaccines must be screened thoroughly for risk to kidneys and other organs before use in adults, and then only with fully detailed and uncoerced informed consent.  Clearly, such toxic products as mRNA injections must never be used in children at all, and must never be made a condition of work or study for anyone."

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