Indigo seeks court injunction to stop antisemitic copycat website

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Indigo Books & Music Inc., Canada’s largest book retailer, has taken legal action to stop a copycat website accusing the company of supporting violence against Palestinians.

Blacklock's Reporter says the website, titled "Indigo Kills Kids," falsely claims Indigo is "aiding in the slaughter of Palestinians" and urges a boycott of the retailer.

In its Federal Court application, Indigo is seeking an injunction to block the site and damages for violations of the Copyright Act and Trademarks Act. “The infringing website has published heinous and hateful content alongside Indigo’s trademarks,” the company’s lawyers stated, noting that the site falsely implies Indigo is "complicit in the death of children."

Indigo, which is known for being Canada’s largest retailer of children’s books, called the allegations "monstrous." The website was launched on July 2 and targets Indigo’s CEO, Heather Reisman, who is Jewish and a supporter of Israeli charities. The site claims that due to her involvement in “the oppression of Palestinians,” Canadians should boycott Indigo.

Indigo has faced protests before, including from the Palestinian solidarity movement, which has called for a boycott of the company since 2006. The copycat website further escalates these actions, accusing the company of complicity in what it calls "genocide in Gaza."

The website is hosted by an Icelandic company known for protecting the anonymity of its users, making it difficult to identify the creators. Indigo’s legal team described the slander as "deliberate and malicious" and is seeking “costs of this action on the highest possible scale.”

The rise in antisemitic sentiment in Canada has led to a wave of protests and vandalism, particularly after the Hamas attacks on October 7. Incidents include the vandalism of Jewish-owned businesses and an Indigo store, with some individuals arrested for these crimes. Independent MP Kevin Vuong recently condemned the pro-Hamas rallies in Canada, stating, “That is repulsive.”

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