A recent episode of Disney’s Proud Family cartoon series featured the kids singing a song that the US “owes” black Americans because “slaves built this country.”. Disney+ Logo .The Louder and Prouder episode “reviewed” the history of Juneteenth and the kids find out that a slave owner founded their town..Four black students do a song for a school talent show about slavery and systemic racism. .The song begins with “this country was built on slavery, which means slaves built this country” and repeats it over and over..The song ends with four black students looking at a white student on the school stage with a sign saying “still has not atoned for” and the crowd cheers..Some other lyrics promote reparations for black Americans, including that reparations are still being earned because of systemic racism..“We, the descendants of slaves in America, have earned reparations for their suffering,” sing the students. .“And continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic prejudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.”.The black students claim that they made white families rich because of plantation owners, northern bankers, New England ship-owners, the Founding Fathers, and sitting US Senators..“Slaves built this country. We made your families rich,” they sing. .Part of the song included the “Hands up, don’t shoot” claim, which proved to be false from the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson. .Endwokeness tweeted “This is a scene from a Disney+ kids cartoon called The Proud Family Blatant anti-white propaganda.”.Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec tweeted “imagine paying money to Disney to teach your kids to hate themselves and hate their country.”
A recent episode of Disney’s Proud Family cartoon series featured the kids singing a song that the US “owes” black Americans because “slaves built this country.”. Disney+ Logo .The Louder and Prouder episode “reviewed” the history of Juneteenth and the kids find out that a slave owner founded their town..Four black students do a song for a school talent show about slavery and systemic racism. .The song begins with “this country was built on slavery, which means slaves built this country” and repeats it over and over..The song ends with four black students looking at a white student on the school stage with a sign saying “still has not atoned for” and the crowd cheers..Some other lyrics promote reparations for black Americans, including that reparations are still being earned because of systemic racism..“We, the descendants of slaves in America, have earned reparations for their suffering,” sing the students. .“And continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic prejudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.”.The black students claim that they made white families rich because of plantation owners, northern bankers, New England ship-owners, the Founding Fathers, and sitting US Senators..“Slaves built this country. We made your families rich,” they sing. .Part of the song included the “Hands up, don’t shoot” claim, which proved to be false from the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson. .Endwokeness tweeted “This is a scene from a Disney+ kids cartoon called The Proud Family Blatant anti-white propaganda.”.Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec tweeted “imagine paying money to Disney to teach your kids to hate themselves and hate their country.”