British Columbia NDP MLA Aman Singh (Richmond-Queensborough) said the fat suits used in the Oscar-winning movie the Whale confirm they are “blackface in another context.” .“And a storyline to paint the protagonist as grotesque, pitiful, it is well beyond time we talk about fatphobia,” said Singh in a Thursday video..“We talk about racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, but we don’t address the systemic oppression that affects people who live in large bodies.” .Singh defined fatphobia as “the implicit and explicit bias that is rooted in a sense of blame and presumed moral failing.” He added fatness is stigmatized in Canadian culture..“Anti-fatness is intrinsically linked to anti-blackness, racism, classism, misogyny, and many other systems of oppression,” he said..British Food Standards Agency Chair Susan Jebb said in January bringing cake into the office is as harmful as smoking because it contributes to obesity..READ MORE: British expert says cake in office like secondhand smoke.“We all like to think we’re rational, intelligent, educated people who make informed choices the whole time and we undervalue the impact of the environment,” said Jebb..“If nobody brought in cakes into the office, I would not eat cakes in the day, but because people do bring cakes in, I eat them.”
British Columbia NDP MLA Aman Singh (Richmond-Queensborough) said the fat suits used in the Oscar-winning movie the Whale confirm they are “blackface in another context.” .“And a storyline to paint the protagonist as grotesque, pitiful, it is well beyond time we talk about fatphobia,” said Singh in a Thursday video..“We talk about racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, but we don’t address the systemic oppression that affects people who live in large bodies.” .Singh defined fatphobia as “the implicit and explicit bias that is rooted in a sense of blame and presumed moral failing.” He added fatness is stigmatized in Canadian culture..“Anti-fatness is intrinsically linked to anti-blackness, racism, classism, misogyny, and many other systems of oppression,” he said..British Food Standards Agency Chair Susan Jebb said in January bringing cake into the office is as harmful as smoking because it contributes to obesity..READ MORE: British expert says cake in office like secondhand smoke.“We all like to think we’re rational, intelligent, educated people who make informed choices the whole time and we undervalue the impact of the environment,” said Jebb..“If nobody brought in cakes into the office, I would not eat cakes in the day, but because people do bring cakes in, I eat them.”