Owners of a small Northern Alberta liquor store say enough is enough..Staff at Rum Runners in Grimshaw, 25-km west of Peace River, have suffered a torrent of abuse because they steadfastly refuse to serve anyone who enters their premises without wearing a COVID-19 mask..“We at Rum Runners have confirmed with AHS (Alberta Health Services) and the RCMP on multiple occasions that we are within our rights to require ALL customers to wear masks within our store, as is any other privately-owned business,” said a Facebook post.. Screen-Shot-2021-04-25-at-11.09.51-AMRum Runners sign .“We do NOT have to honor exemptions, nor do we have to allow customers who don’t believe in masking to browse our store. We have made online ordering and call ahead ordering available since December in an effort to accommodate those who are unwilling or unable to wear a mask..“Nonetheless, our staff have been routinely harassed by individuals who feel their right to shop without a mask overrides the AHS guidelines and directions by the provincial government and RCMP. We have been sworn at, yelled at, insulted, have received angry emails and phone calls..“We’ve been told that we should accommodate “personal freedoms” over health regulations, that we should choose not to follow the guidelines. We take AHS guidelines seriously, as well as the safety of our staff and customers. This is our priority. None of us should be, nor will be, expected to put themselves at risk of exposure due to individual beliefs on masks and ‘freedoms'”..“We do our best to accommodate the needs of our customers, but, quite frankly, you can take your “freedom fighting “agenda elsewhere.”.The posting earlier this week prompted an outpouring of support for the store..“We are being bombarded with messages about people wanting to support our store. While we appreciate this, it wasn’t our intent to gain sales because of our stance on masks. So, we would like to ask anyone who still feels the need to help out send a donation to Berwyn/Grimshaw Ecumenical Care Society with a message saying it’s to support Rum Runners..“Our local food bank needs help more than we do. Heck even send it to your own local food bank with a message from us! Thank you again for all the love and support. PLEASE PUT ON YOUR DAMN MASK, GET VACCINATED & STAY SAFE.”.Dave Naylor is the News Editor of the Western Standard.,dnaylor@westernstandardonline.com,.Twitter.com/nobby7694
Owners of a small Northern Alberta liquor store say enough is enough..Staff at Rum Runners in Grimshaw, 25-km west of Peace River, have suffered a torrent of abuse because they steadfastly refuse to serve anyone who enters their premises without wearing a COVID-19 mask..“We at Rum Runners have confirmed with AHS (Alberta Health Services) and the RCMP on multiple occasions that we are within our rights to require ALL customers to wear masks within our store, as is any other privately-owned business,” said a Facebook post.. Screen-Shot-2021-04-25-at-11.09.51-AMRum Runners sign .“We do NOT have to honor exemptions, nor do we have to allow customers who don’t believe in masking to browse our store. We have made online ordering and call ahead ordering available since December in an effort to accommodate those who are unwilling or unable to wear a mask..“Nonetheless, our staff have been routinely harassed by individuals who feel their right to shop without a mask overrides the AHS guidelines and directions by the provincial government and RCMP. We have been sworn at, yelled at, insulted, have received angry emails and phone calls..“We’ve been told that we should accommodate “personal freedoms” over health regulations, that we should choose not to follow the guidelines. We take AHS guidelines seriously, as well as the safety of our staff and customers. This is our priority. None of us should be, nor will be, expected to put themselves at risk of exposure due to individual beliefs on masks and ‘freedoms'”..“We do our best to accommodate the needs of our customers, but, quite frankly, you can take your “freedom fighting “agenda elsewhere.”.The posting earlier this week prompted an outpouring of support for the store..“We are being bombarded with messages about people wanting to support our store. While we appreciate this, it wasn’t our intent to gain sales because of our stance on masks. So, we would like to ask anyone who still feels the need to help out send a donation to Berwyn/Grimshaw Ecumenical Care Society with a message saying it’s to support Rum Runners..“Our local food bank needs help more than we do. Heck even send it to your own local food bank with a message from us! Thank you again for all the love and support. PLEASE PUT ON YOUR DAMN MASK, GET VACCINATED & STAY SAFE.”.Dave Naylor is the News Editor of the Western Standard.,dnaylor@westernstandardonline.com,.Twitter.com/nobby7694