An imaginary woman — created using entirely artificial intelligence — has started selling explicit images on Reddit, with “her” creators making more than US$100 as a result..Claudia, a 19-year-old woman created from AI, began appearing on a number of subreddits such as r/faces, r/normalnudes and r/amihot..She was created using a program called Stable Diffusion, which forms realistic images of people using only a text-written prompt..Claudia was the brainchild of two computer science students, who reportedly made money from selling her explicit images until other Redditors noticed she was fake.. ClaudiaClaudia .“You could say this whole account is just a test to see if you can fool people with AI pictures,” they told Rolling Stone under anonymity..“You could compare it to the vtubers — they create their own characters and play as an entirely different person. We honestly didn’t think it would get this much traction.”.Despite criticism from other Redditors, Claudia's creators told Rolling Stone they believe the onus of legitimacy should be on the consumer..“We don’t really know how to think about this, the person buying the pictures is happy with their purchase since they are looking for porn,” they said..“We never really said those are pictures of a real person, and buyers never really asked. They just assumed.”
An imaginary woman — created using entirely artificial intelligence — has started selling explicit images on Reddit, with “her” creators making more than US$100 as a result..Claudia, a 19-year-old woman created from AI, began appearing on a number of subreddits such as r/faces, r/normalnudes and r/amihot..She was created using a program called Stable Diffusion, which forms realistic images of people using only a text-written prompt..Claudia was the brainchild of two computer science students, who reportedly made money from selling her explicit images until other Redditors noticed she was fake.. ClaudiaClaudia .“You could say this whole account is just a test to see if you can fool people with AI pictures,” they told Rolling Stone under anonymity..“You could compare it to the vtubers — they create their own characters and play as an entirely different person. We honestly didn’t think it would get this much traction.”.Despite criticism from other Redditors, Claudia's creators told Rolling Stone they believe the onus of legitimacy should be on the consumer..“We don’t really know how to think about this, the person buying the pictures is happy with their purchase since they are looking for porn,” they said..“We never really said those are pictures of a real person, and buyers never really asked. They just assumed.”