The price of pork soared 54% in a one-day jump this week — as a report shows the Number One fear amongst Canadians is the rising cost of goods..Omicron outbreaks caused labour shortages in U.S. slaughterhouses this week, causing the largest pork price jump in 10 years..But meat prices are the tip of the iceberg, as Canadians are worried about many prices as inflation keeps skyrocketing..A PolicyMe 2021 survey showed Canadian’s are extremely concerned as inflation is now at 4.7%..The average rate of goods last year increased 4.4%, a huge escalation from the 1.4% average in the 20 years prior to the pandemic, according to the Bank of Canada..Looking forwards to 2022, the Bank of Canada is forecasting higher inflation at 4.8%..Housing costs, carbon tax and climate change insurance are additional concerns on the forefront of citizen’s minds..Average Canadian house prices jumped 25% comparing November 2021 to the previous year..Economists are predicting that zero-emission initiatives in Canada and around the world will increase inflation rates calling it greenflation..Ewa Sudyk is a reporter with the Western Standard.,
The price of pork soared 54% in a one-day jump this week — as a report shows the Number One fear amongst Canadians is the rising cost of goods..Omicron outbreaks caused labour shortages in U.S. slaughterhouses this week, causing the largest pork price jump in 10 years..But meat prices are the tip of the iceberg, as Canadians are worried about many prices as inflation keeps skyrocketing..A PolicyMe 2021 survey showed Canadian’s are extremely concerned as inflation is now at 4.7%..The average rate of goods last year increased 4.4%, a huge escalation from the 1.4% average in the 20 years prior to the pandemic, according to the Bank of Canada..Looking forwards to 2022, the Bank of Canada is forecasting higher inflation at 4.8%..Housing costs, carbon tax and climate change insurance are additional concerns on the forefront of citizen’s minds..Average Canadian house prices jumped 25% comparing November 2021 to the previous year..Economists are predicting that zero-emission initiatives in Canada and around the world will increase inflation rates calling it greenflation..Ewa Sudyk is a reporter with the Western Standard.,