Manitoba’s 43rd provincial election officially started on Tuesday, with the Progressive Conservative (PC) government promising tax cuts to help people with the high cost of inflation..The PC’s will cut the lowest income group’s tax rate by half over another four-year mandate if they win, translating into a 1.35% tax cut annually over four years..PC leader Heather Stefanson made the announcement on Tuesday..“The cost-of-living crisis requires more than temporary action. It requires ongoing commitment,” said Stefanson. .“Manitobans are worried about the very real plan of tax increases under the NDP, and the PCs are the only party committed to permanently lowering taxes. Wab Kinew wants to bribe Manitobans with temporary measures, we’re here to help them for the long term.”.Stefanson said they can make these tax cuts because the province has greater than expected revenues and strong economic development ahead of schedule. .These new tax cuts are in addition to the tax cuts in the 2023 budget, where the lowest tax bracket was raised to keep an extra $75 per month in Manitobans paycheques..Stefanson said by 2025, the Manitoba budget would be balanced, which is two years ahead of schedule. .“There is a lot of instability in the world, but here’s something you can count on. A re-elected PC government guarantees that, each year, your taxes will go down,” said Stefanson. .“Manitobans can also rest assured these savings will not come at the expense of the services they need, want and deserve.”.Kathleen Cook, who is running for the PC’s in the Roblin riding, said the tax cuts would benefit families, including her own. She thinks the extra money from the tax savings would help families struggling to meet their bills..“With four kids, expenses really stack up. Grocery costs, sports programs, gas, and heating — and that’s not even mentioning all the taxes on top! I hear this from people all over,” said Cook. .“People need relief that they can count on. They need a party that is willing to fight to put more money back in their pockets.”.Stefanson stated using a recent “favourable legal opinion,” the PC’s would tell Manitoba Hydro to remove the federal carbon tax from all hydro bills within 10 days of reelection..“This is just the start of our plan to help you make ends meet, keep our healthcare system on the road to recovery, fight violent crime and create jobs, growth and opportunities in every corner of Manitoba,” said Stefanson. .“We are the only party truly fighting for Manitobans.”.The Manitoba election is set for October 3, 2023, with early voting running from September 23 until September 30.
Manitoba’s 43rd provincial election officially started on Tuesday, with the Progressive Conservative (PC) government promising tax cuts to help people with the high cost of inflation..The PC’s will cut the lowest income group’s tax rate by half over another four-year mandate if they win, translating into a 1.35% tax cut annually over four years..PC leader Heather Stefanson made the announcement on Tuesday..“The cost-of-living crisis requires more than temporary action. It requires ongoing commitment,” said Stefanson. .“Manitobans are worried about the very real plan of tax increases under the NDP, and the PCs are the only party committed to permanently lowering taxes. Wab Kinew wants to bribe Manitobans with temporary measures, we’re here to help them for the long term.”.Stefanson said they can make these tax cuts because the province has greater than expected revenues and strong economic development ahead of schedule. .These new tax cuts are in addition to the tax cuts in the 2023 budget, where the lowest tax bracket was raised to keep an extra $75 per month in Manitobans paycheques..Stefanson said by 2025, the Manitoba budget would be balanced, which is two years ahead of schedule. .“There is a lot of instability in the world, but here’s something you can count on. A re-elected PC government guarantees that, each year, your taxes will go down,” said Stefanson. .“Manitobans can also rest assured these savings will not come at the expense of the services they need, want and deserve.”.Kathleen Cook, who is running for the PC’s in the Roblin riding, said the tax cuts would benefit families, including her own. She thinks the extra money from the tax savings would help families struggling to meet their bills..“With four kids, expenses really stack up. Grocery costs, sports programs, gas, and heating — and that’s not even mentioning all the taxes on top! I hear this from people all over,” said Cook. .“People need relief that they can count on. They need a party that is willing to fight to put more money back in their pockets.”.Stefanson stated using a recent “favourable legal opinion,” the PC’s would tell Manitoba Hydro to remove the federal carbon tax from all hydro bills within 10 days of reelection..“This is just the start of our plan to help you make ends meet, keep our healthcare system on the road to recovery, fight violent crime and create jobs, growth and opportunities in every corner of Manitoba,” said Stefanson. .“We are the only party truly fighting for Manitobans.”.The Manitoba election is set for October 3, 2023, with early voting running from September 23 until September 30.