In the lead up to what will be a contentious Calgary city council meeting on April 22 where the public will speak their minds regarding the city’s proposed up zoning bylaw, Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek says owning a home is just so yesterday. In a 30-second video posted on Twitter (“X”), Gondek says, "We are starting to see a segment of the population reject this idea of owning a home and they are moving towards rental because it gives them more freedom.” She said people have become “much more liberated around what housing looks like and what the tenure of housing looks like.” In response Michelle Rempel Garner, Conservative MP, Calgary Nose Hill said, "If this isn't a deepfake, this is a perpetuation of a dangerous myth that most renters are renters by choice and have disposable income to travel and the capacity to uproot their residence for work.” The up-zoning bylaw, if approved, will eliminate areas of the city that are zoned for only single-family homes and allow the construction of new multi-family fourplexes in those areas.
In the lead up to what will be a contentious Calgary city council meeting on April 22 where the public will speak their minds regarding the city’s proposed up zoning bylaw, Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek says owning a home is just so yesterday. In a 30-second video posted on Twitter (“X”), Gondek says, "We are starting to see a segment of the population reject this idea of owning a home and they are moving towards rental because it gives them more freedom.” She said people have become “much more liberated around what housing looks like and what the tenure of housing looks like.” In response Michelle Rempel Garner, Conservative MP, Calgary Nose Hill said, "If this isn't a deepfake, this is a perpetuation of a dangerous myth that most renters are renters by choice and have disposable income to travel and the capacity to uproot their residence for work.” The up-zoning bylaw, if approved, will eliminate areas of the city that are zoned for only single-family homes and allow the construction of new multi-family fourplexes in those areas.