Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says her trip to Ottawa was very constructive and now it's up to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau if he chooses to "slam the door" in Alberta's face.."Now, let me be brutally honest — this prime minister has not yet shown himself to be a friend of Alberta," Smith said.."There is a litany of federal policies he's imposed that have been exceptionally harmful to our economy and investment climate, and have cost Albertans tens of thousands of jobs and tens of billions in investment and projects.".Smith said she made it "crystal clear" to Trudeau during her meeting that Alberta’s expectations for what must and must not be included in any future federal legislation, targets or policies include:.Abandonment of any references to "Just transition" or any other terminology or policies that signal the phase-out of Alberta’s conventional or non-conventional energy sector or workforce.Increased workforce training and participation in all of the conventional, non-conventional and emerging energy sectors.The need for formal consultation and collaboration with Alberta before the federal government announces or implements legislation, targets or policies that materially impact Alberta’s energy sector.Substantial increase in LNG exports to Asia and other markets through the lens of meeting emissions targets through the replacement of higher emitting fuel sources with clean Alberta LNG..Smith admitted the issues Alberta is facing are far bigger than the prime minister.."I know that and I hope he knows that," Smith said.."There are trillions of dollars in revenues, hundreds of billions in investments, and millions of jobs riding on Alberta and Ottawa working together instead of in conflict and creating an attractive and certain investment climate that millions around the world want to invest in and move to.".Smith aslo told reporters on Thursday, that the province will get over 500 million from the federal government to spend on healh care.."I think Alberta's share will be about $518 million new dollars," Smith said when asked about the First Minister's meeting.."And I've already talked to my health minister about how he wants to deploy those dollars. We've already started on a very ambitious reform strategy, and it will be helpful. So we're going to be making sure we don't leave any money on the table.".Smith also said Trudeau is being criticized across the country and from within his own party as being unnecessarily divisive and unable to improve national unity or economic growth.."Well here is a golden opportunity. Come to the table and work collaboratively with Alberta on probably the most important economic issue facing this country in a generation," Smith said.."I’m opening the door, but let me be very clear: If the prime minister chooses to slam this door in our face or moves unilaterally forward with 'Just Transition’ or other impossible and arbitrary emissions targets or policies without Alberta’s involvement and agreement" Alberta will take action.".Smith said Alberta will be relentless in its opposition, and it will use every tool at the province's disposal to protect Albertans, their jobs and their future.."The ball is now in the prime minister’s court," Smith said.."I hope his response to my offer is the right one."
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says her trip to Ottawa was very constructive and now it's up to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau if he chooses to "slam the door" in Alberta's face.."Now, let me be brutally honest — this prime minister has not yet shown himself to be a friend of Alberta," Smith said.."There is a litany of federal policies he's imposed that have been exceptionally harmful to our economy and investment climate, and have cost Albertans tens of thousands of jobs and tens of billions in investment and projects.".Smith said she made it "crystal clear" to Trudeau during her meeting that Alberta’s expectations for what must and must not be included in any future federal legislation, targets or policies include:.Abandonment of any references to "Just transition" or any other terminology or policies that signal the phase-out of Alberta’s conventional or non-conventional energy sector or workforce.Increased workforce training and participation in all of the conventional, non-conventional and emerging energy sectors.The need for formal consultation and collaboration with Alberta before the federal government announces or implements legislation, targets or policies that materially impact Alberta’s energy sector.Substantial increase in LNG exports to Asia and other markets through the lens of meeting emissions targets through the replacement of higher emitting fuel sources with clean Alberta LNG..Smith admitted the issues Alberta is facing are far bigger than the prime minister.."I know that and I hope he knows that," Smith said.."There are trillions of dollars in revenues, hundreds of billions in investments, and millions of jobs riding on Alberta and Ottawa working together instead of in conflict and creating an attractive and certain investment climate that millions around the world want to invest in and move to.".Smith aslo told reporters on Thursday, that the province will get over 500 million from the federal government to spend on healh care.."I think Alberta's share will be about $518 million new dollars," Smith said when asked about the First Minister's meeting.."And I've already talked to my health minister about how he wants to deploy those dollars. We've already started on a very ambitious reform strategy, and it will be helpful. So we're going to be making sure we don't leave any money on the table.".Smith also said Trudeau is being criticized across the country and from within his own party as being unnecessarily divisive and unable to improve national unity or economic growth.."Well here is a golden opportunity. Come to the table and work collaboratively with Alberta on probably the most important economic issue facing this country in a generation," Smith said.."I’m opening the door, but let me be very clear: If the prime minister chooses to slam this door in our face or moves unilaterally forward with 'Just Transition’ or other impossible and arbitrary emissions targets or policies without Alberta’s involvement and agreement" Alberta will take action.".Smith said Alberta will be relentless in its opposition, and it will use every tool at the province's disposal to protect Albertans, their jobs and their future.."The ball is now in the prime minister’s court," Smith said.."I hope his response to my offer is the right one."