UPDATED: Town of Jasper ablaze, fire reaches historic Park Lodge, military on the way

Lindsay Warner said Maligne Lodge in Jasper had caught on fire.
Lindsay Warner said Maligne Lodge in Jasper had caught on fire. Courtesy Lindsay Warner/Twitter
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Jasper is on fire, with a popular lodge and many other buildings in the town up in flames.

Parks Canada Incident Commander Katie Ellsworth and Municipality of Jasper Incident Commander Christine Nadon confirmed parts of the southern wildfire in Jasper National Park had found their way into the town’s limits. 

“At just before 6 p.m. this evening, portions of the South Fire in Jasper National Park reached the outskirts of the Jasper townsite after being driven by strong winds gusts from the south and southeast,” said Ellsworth and Nadon in a Wednesday statement. 

As of Wednesday at 8:30 p.m., Ellsworth and Nadon said it was determined that air quality had deteriorated to the point wildland firefighters and people without self-contained breathing apparatuses needed to go to Hinton.

"Structural firefighters remain in town and are working to save as many structures as possible and to protect critical infrastructure, including the wastewater treatment plant, communications facilities, the Trans Mountain Pipeline and others," they said.

At 9:30 p.m., officials with the historic Jasper Park Lodge said the fire had reached their property, reportedly destroying the world-famous golf course, which is annually rated as one of Canada's best.

Firefighters near the Jasper Park Lodge had to be evacuated as the fire closed in around them.

Firefighters reported towering flames reached 120 metres into the evening sky.

At 10:30 p.m., Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Alberta pleas for help from the Canadian Armed Forces was being answered.

"We’re deploying @CanadianForces resources, evacuations support, and more emergency wildfire resources to the province immediately — and we’re coordinating firefighting and airlift assistance," said Trudeau.

"Alberta, we’re with you."

At 10 p.m., Parks Canada tweeted no more information would be coming until Thursday morning.

Jasper Mayor Richard Ireland said the damage was "extensive."

Water bombers could not help due to dangerous flying conditions.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said she was heartbroken by the wildfire.

"The safety of everyone is our number one priority, and thankfully, the town was evacuated earlier this week," said Smith.

"I want to thank all of our firefighters and crews who have been hard at work fighting this fire day and night."

CBC News Edmonton anchor Lindsay Warner said Jasper hotel Maligne Lodge had caught on fire. 

“Same eyewitness say Petro-Can/Bright Spot were hit,” said Warner.

“This was over half hour ago.”

Warner included a photo of Maligne Lodge being swarmed by flames, lighting up the edges of it and sending black smoke into the sky.

Canadian storm tracker Inam Jamil said the wildfires led to smoke coming to Calgary. 

“You can see the ash falling as well,” said Jamil. 


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had spoken with Ireland on the wildfire evacuations in Alberta. 

“These fires escalated rapidly, and I’m grateful for the brave first responders — and the neighbouring towns opening their homes to evacuees,” said Trudeau.

“Jasper, we’re here for you.”

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievere said he was shocked and heartbroken to see the wildfire had spread into Jasper.

"We pray for the safety of all those who have evacuated from the community and for the firefighters and first responders who have a very difficult fight ahead of them," said Poilievre.

CityNews Edmonton reporter Sean Amato said the Jasper situation looked bleak, but firefighters were not giving up. 

“Here are some firefighters headed to town just now to try to save it,” said Amato. 

“More are on the way soon, I’m told.”

Amato included a video of a firetruck driving by on a road with its flashers on, blaring its sirens as it headed to fight a wildfire.

Twitter user Shawn said his sister had an acreage west of Hinton. 

“This is her backyard right now,” said Shawn. 

Shawn had a photo of his sister’s acreage having an orange sky by some evergreen trees.

Ellsworth and Nadon went on to say Parks Canada, the Municipality of Jasper, and first responders from Alberta and other provinces are continuing their efforts to protect the town. They added they are focused on the safety of the public and first responders. 

Firefighters remain in Jasper and are combating spot fires and maintaining sprinkler lines. Ten to 20 millimetres of rain is forecasted to arrive in the next 24 hours beginning late Wednesday. 

They noted further updates will be provided as conditions allow for. On Wednesday afternoon, they said suppression efforts by helicopter bucketing proved ineffective. 

Fireguards being completed by heavy equipment were unable to be completed before it needed to be pulled off the fireline for safety. Water bombers from Alberta were unable to assist due to dangerous flying conditions.

An ignition specialist has arrived, with the goal to complete landscape-level ignition to bring the fire to large holding features such as Hwy. 16 and Athabasca River. However, unfavourable conditions prevented this.

After complaints on social media the City of Calgary's evacuation centre had closed for the day at 5 p.m., it reopened it.

"The call for help has come in and we are answering," said the City of Calgary.

"At the request of Alberta Emergency Management Agency, the City has deployed 19 members of Canada Task Force 2 to support in Jasper."

Based on almost no overnight attendance at the reception centre on Tuesday, the City of Calgary said it made the decision to close, but it was going to change its decision. If people have been evacuated and are in need of accommodations, it said they should go to the Shouldice Arena.

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